
The Surfer's Journal 20.3- Signed Copies Available on Website

"his explorations of traditional designs were all taking place at a time when the majority of 'modern' longboards behaved more like long shortboards.  during the late '80s and early '90s, inspiration was difficult for him to come by... tyler managed to find influences from old magazines and bootlegged films, as well as seeing underground guys like tom wegener, michel junod, and cliff hansen when he showed up to an occasional surf club meet at malibu, san o', cardiff, or oceanside.  being just one of a handful of other young traditional loggers that were considered oddballs, throwbacks, or retro, he got used to inquisitive looks and the simple question: why?  while he admits to a learning period in the beginning that drew directly from the past, he insists that he was more interested in picking up from where those traditional longboard designs had stopped advancing in '67.  for that reason, he takes exception to being labeled 'retro.'

'that word means replicating something for the sake of fashion, or a fad,' [tyler] explains.  'i'm trying to stay true to the clean lines and minimalist aesthetics of riding traditional boards.  at the same time, i'm also trying to advance them in ways that enhance the ride- or make it easier for the rider to surf in a traditional manner.' "- written by Devon Howard, 'The Unbroken Line,' The Surfer's Journal 20.3

you can now order your signed copy online through our website here http://www.tylersurfboards.com/shop/.  however, you are still more than welcome to call or email in your order.

thank you for sharing in this accomplishment

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